Second Raid on Nivinah Primus part 3


Khyber Crusade- Nivinah Primus- The crimson Fists terminators engaged the havocs on the overpass driving them off and opening a path in the center to regain the imperial mainline.

The remaining tactical squad charged into the melee with Lord Magwar wounding a terminator.  Then Lord Magwar cut down the apothecary and squad Alpha 2 along with Silonas the headhunter charged in and in a frenzy of slaughter a mere handful of imperial tactical marines remained.

The Cimson Fist Terminators charged into the melee.  The brutal fighting saw a number of the Alpha legion wounded.  But the venomous sons of the Hydra struck back with a vengeance cutting down the terminators until Lord Magwar slew the last of the imperials.  Victory by Lord Magwar had been achieved.

With victory secured Lord Magwar ordered the spoils secured.  Hive Nivinah Primus was ripe for the Khyber Crusade to plunder.  Some of the local insurgents would now serve the crusade and be brought back to the Shard of Tartarus along with the captured blackstone, data files, and recovered arms and ammunition.  Lord Magwar went on to capture many defenseless imperial citizens of the hive.  These would serve as forced labor for construction of the Khyber Trail.  Hive Nivinah had proven to be a boon for the Khyber Crusade. Lord Magwar was pleased.


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