Second raid on Nivinah Primus part 2


Khyber Crusade- Nivinah Primus- Alpha Legion Havocs emerged on the overpass and began raining suppression fire onto the Crimson Fist Lines as the ambush was sprung.  The fierce firefight keeping the Crimson Fists pinned and unable to support the aggressors or heavy intercessors.

Seeing the situation deteriorating a Crimson Fist Terminator squad teleported behind the Alpha Legion line in the center.  The Crimson Fist commander hoped their sudden arrival would force the Alpha Legion to break off their attack temporarily, allowing the Crimson Fists to regroup.

It was not to be.  Lord Magwar ordered the attack to continue and like a Hydra the Alpha Legion pressed home multiple attacks.  The newly formed forsworn and the Stygian guard poured fire into the heavy intercessors before charging in and cutting down all but one of them.

Squad Alpha 2 led by Solar the sinister and master of executions Silonas the headhunter charged the aggressors and hacked them down.  They then broke open the vault discovering a large Blackstone cache.

Lord Magwar led his terminators into the Sternguard and the Crimson Fist commander.  Lord Magwar with his dread cursed sword the Blade of Tiamat cut a bloody swathe through the defenders with the terminators finishing off the survivors.  They then began to advance on the rest of the Crimson Fist line.

The Crimson Fist terminators then charged Alpha Legion insurgents brutally cutting down those who survived the hail of fire the terminators unleashed as they advanced.

The forsworn and the Stygian guard hacked down the last Heavy Intercessor .  The Stygian guard then opened the vault discovering blackstone and a cache of data files on imperial blackstone mining surveys.

Lord Magwar led the advance down the Cimson Fist line.  The leader of the Khyber Crusade led his terminators into a tactical squad with an apothecary and proceeded to cut down marines in an effort to reach the apothecary.


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