Raid on the Khyber moon part4


Khyber Crusade-Khyber moon- in the center the forsworn fell back from the eldar clearing a firing line for the vindicator and helbrute.  The vindicator damaged the Grav Falcon and the helbrute charged in only to have its legs blown off by the fire dragons.

Alpha 1 disengaged from the damaged vyper leaving it a sitting duck for the meltagun and plasma gun of Col Blackheart’s Stygian guard who blew it away.  Meanwhile squad Alpha one poured fire into the guardians greatly thinning their ranks.

Sokar the sinister slew the lone storm guardian on the left flank and led his squad up to support the vindicator attacking the other guardians.  A flash of warp discharge revealed Lord Magwar and his terminators had teleported to the surface.  They charged the guardians and their accompanying warlock.  The xenon witch fell beneath Lord Magwar’s daemon sword Tiamat’s Blade and Lord Magwar roared out in triumph.


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