Raid on Khyber moon part1


Khyber Crusade-Khyber moon- 

On the volcanic moon of Khyber the Alpha Legion took over an abandoned Imperial settlement.  The legion sought with the use of stasis and void shielding to construct a key location on the Khyber Path.  They began construction of a noctolith crown on the deserted moon as part of a clandestine base to help funnel forces from the great rift to the Stygian empire.

Unbeknownst to the legion the facility had been infiltrated by eldar rangers to pave the way for a strike on the facility.  The farseer had consulted the runes and skeins of fate that told of calamity if the base became operational.  The eldar planned on a stealthy surprise attack that would alter this fate

Utilizing psychic portal the eldar moved into strike position assured they had the element of surprise.  But alas for the Eldar their arrival had been detected by psychers amongst the Alpha Legion forces and the alarm was raised.  Alpha legion forces raced out to meet the threat.  They moved quickly acccording to prepared drills for such an eventuality.
