Raid on the Khyber moon part2


Khyber Crusade-Khyber moon- with the alarm raised Alpha Legion forces spilled out amidst the ash and volcanic gases to meet the threat.

An eldar wave serpent was seen raising in.  Alpha legion havocs fired at the craft that shimmered and hid in the smoke and gas plumes causing the shots to miss as it sped forward.  The vindicator Dread Devastator supporting the advance of the forsworn in the center shifted slightly and fired.  The demolished round destroyed the alien craft but not before its cargo of warriors leaped out taking cover amidst equipment, smoke and gases.

On both flanks Alpha Legionnaires advanced firing as they went.  A sudden flurry of sniper fire from the eldar rangers in the drill rig saw Silonas the head hunter wounded.  Undaunted the Alpha Legion continued to counterattack.


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