The Omegron protocol/ the dark encyclical crusade


Lord Magwar then turned to Daroth the deceiver.  The dark apostle stared back his face unreadable behind his helm but Magwar sense the anticipation and ambition wafting off of him.

     “Daroth, you will command the Dark Encyclical crusade.  You will also be based out of the Stygian empire.  In order to draw in the recruits for Rycor and fertilize the ground for Maliker’s insurgencies the Stygian Empire must be a beacon of the dark gods drawing in the faithful.  You will aid in this.  I want you to gather recruits, and just as vital I need you to recover dark relics to inspire dark pilgrims to travel to us.  Gather tomes of power and god blessed weapons to be wielded by the faithful,” Lord Magwar ordered.
     Daroth bowed his head in acceptance and Magwar could see the approving nods of the others.  He waited a heartbeat and then continued.
     “Our Word Bearer cousins may have their own cults and designs in play.  The legion comes first, subvert them to our cause and failing that assasinate their leaders and supplant them with those loyal to us.”
    “As you command lord,” Daroth said.
     “That is not all Daroth.  If the daughters of the pantheon project is successful you are to then take charge of them and make them the vanguard of the faithful.  They will be the living embodiment of the new faith pouring out of the Stygian empire,” Lord Magwar ordered.
     “My lord, if I might,” Maliker began. Before Magwar cut him off with a raised gauntlet.
     “It is my will, and I will see it done without further debate.  Now Daroth I have two more tasks for your crusade.  The first is to spread the faith within the imperium via revelations of dark prophecy or simple propaganda.  All must believe in our inevitable victory.  The second is we will need all the forces we can muster for our harrowing.  Seek and bind daemonic legions to our service so that they might answer our call and enact our vengeance during the harrowing.  Do not trap us in mutual pacts with the denizens of the warp.  Rather trap and bind them.  They are to be useful and valuable allies.  But they are allies, and like all allies they are disposable.  Will you see this done?” Lord Magwar asked.
     “By your will lord,” Daroth said solemnly even as he salivated over the prospects for greater power this mission would enable him to aquire.


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