Khyber crusade roster update 3


Roster update. Personal Glory 7. Dark God Glory 6. Warfleet Glory 7.   We gained another requisition point bringing it to 2.  However we spent it on increasing supplies to add 200 pts.  We also spent the free increase supplies for being favored in Warfleet Glory.  We thus gained 400 pts to spend and were left with 1 requisition point remaining.

Konar the crazed gained a battle honor.  He was given the horror hardened trait from the pariah nexus crusade book.  Enabling him and the unit he leads to still be targeted with stratagems while battle shocked.

Silonas the headhunter gained the Death Incarnate trait from the tyrannic war crusade book making enemies with in 6 inches -1 ld.

The Harkoni cabal gained battle scarred resistance from the Tyrannic war crusade book giving them a 6+ fnp 

The Harkoni hunters gained the raiders upgrade from the pariah nexus crusade book allowing them to retool hit rolls of 1 targeting enemies on objectives.

Squad Alpha 1 led by Sokar the Sinister gained the unholy patronage battle trait from the chaos codex.  This gives Sokar 1 additional attack and wound and plays into a possible future narrative.  This concludes upgrades we then added the folllowing to the crusade.

10 traitor guard with flamer, grenade launcher and meltagun for 70 pts

Felgor beastmen for 85 pts

Warpsmith Zenox for 70 pts to add to the narrative of constructing the Khyber Path bases and infrastructure.

A chaos rhino for 75 pts

Finally a 5 man raptor squad for 90 pts.  Leaving 45 pts of supply still unspent until the next update.


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