Second Raid on Nivinah Primus part1

 Khyber Crusade-Nivinah Primus-  Lord Magwar then led half his force forward into the hive as the rest of his force gathered the spoils.  Probing revealed the Crimson Fists had established another defensive line.  However the second they detected the Alpha Legion force they launched a pincer attack with the aggressors on their left flank.

While on their right flank they advanced against the Stygian guard for control of another vault.  They did not realize they had been lured into an ambush.

Emerging from hiding on the Crimson Fist right flank the newly inducted forsworn cultists emerged from behind the imperial advance and cut it off.

Lord Magwar and his terminators teleported in behind the Imperial Left flank just as squad Alpha 2 led by aspiring champion Drakoth and Silonas the headhunter emerged to engage the aggressors.  In a stroke the imperial pincer movement had been reversed with ambushes opening the Crimson Fists to a dual flank attack that had been the Alpha legion’s plan from the start.


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