Master executioner Kronos the head hunter


Master of executions amongst the 7th Hydra company of the Alpha Legion was Kronos, a former operative of a headhunter squad and rumored to be its last survivor.  Kronos is used amongst the Stygian Empire as the dispenser of Alpha Legion judgement.  Kronos is often used to deliver the coup de grace to imperial commanders whose forces are subjected to an Alpha Legion attack.  The theatrical beheading of the enemy command that occurs at the close of an Alpha Legion battlefield success.  The result of which is to inspire terror in imperial commanders at the slightest rumor of his presence.  Rumor states he carries an ancient relic bolt pistol type capable of mowing down any foe standing between Kronos and his quarry.  It is also suspected he spent some time campaigning alongside the Night Lords legion.  It is said from that he gained the experience and insight to make his executions into terror inspiring events to further erode the strength of his enemies.  Kronos was a major figure throughout the Stygian wars.


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