Raid on the Alpha Legion frigate Non Veritas


The Alpha Legion frigate Non Veritas was ambushed and boarded by a small force of custodes.  Led by shield captain Kalroke the custodes had a very specific mission.  They planned to download classified data in order to help locate the soul fragment of Lord Kirro.  Who was at that moment languishing in one of the black cells on Terra.  Kalrocke knew that only by retrieving the fragment would Kirro have any chance for redemption.

Cultist attempted to bar the custodes advance.  The custodes made swift work of the cultists but lost two of their number to a dark champion before he was cut down.

Kalrok fought his way through an under strength Alpha Legion squad but was horribly wounded.  Meanwhile the fight over a major data tomb terminal saw a dark Mechanicus magi kill a number of custodes.

Kalrok cut down the dark magi only to be swarmed by fanatical cultists.  Reinforced by the surviving custodes the cultists were cut down and the database downloaded.  The soul fragment had been grafted into a rogue psycher by an Alpha Legion master of Possession known as Khorgath the corrupt.  Where the dark Mechanicus sought to use the fragment as part of their Dark Siren project, Khorgath sought to create and control a super hybrid possessed.  A lord of change fueled by Kirro’s soul fragment within the bound body of an Alpha level rogue psycher.  According to the data Khorgath and the fragment were aboard the Devestation class cruiser Dread Traveler.


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