The battle of Tarsin part 5

Commodore Kangas cursed aboard the Justicar as all the escorts for Warspite were drifting burning wrecks.  The vox officer announced a vox signal from Captain Dumont from the Warspite.
"Commodore I strongly advise you to withdraw.  I am gonna to take Warspite into the escorts then break off in the resulting chaos."
"Cowardice!" Kangas snarled "we fight it out here.  We are the imperial navy.  We do not run from degenerate heretics.  Commissar Klein do your duty!"
A pause followed then and then came the vox signal that Klein was now in command and that Dumont had been summarily executed.   Justicar shuddered as a nova cannon opened up on the murder class cruisers but failed to hit.

Commissar captain Klein steered the Warspite through the burning debris field of the swords blowing out his shields but emerging to cire a volley of torpedoes into the idolator raiders.  The point blank launch caught the escorts off guard and two of them blew apart as torpedoes ripped into their guts.

The Warspite then launched waves of fighters to intercept the incoming chaos attack group.  Space was lit up by strobes of lasfire, streaking missiles, and the sudden flashes of exploding craft.
Special thanks to Jake Holte for all his help with this battle report.


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