The pact of Sokar the Sinister


Khyber Crusade- The Shard of Tartarus- Sokar the sinister made his way into the warp haunted bowels of the space hulk after the victory over the eldar on the Khyber moon.  Upon reaching the right area he began the incantations drawing the warp entities to him.  They. Came hungry for him each proclaiming their greatness and promising power.  Sokar listened and then banished them all.  All but one, one of the weaker entities.  This he commanded to stay.  The Daemon was unaligned and weak amongst its kind.  It was eager for the offer Sokar provided it.  Sokar would feed it souls and entice others into worshiping it, thus strengthening it.  In exchange it would advise and aid Sokar, sharing its knowledge and strengthening Sokar on his path of dark glory.

    To these terms Sokar agreed and then added a condition to the pact.  Sokar needed the daemons name and story of its creation so that he could call on the daemon at any time.  After a pause the daemon agreed.

     The daemon was Kartoosh, born long ago of a moment in history when a scheming prince seized a throne and ordered the executions of the former kings advisors, many of whom aided his seizure of power.  Kartoosh was born of that moment of betrayal, death, and ambition.  Sokar was pleased with the tale believing he had chosen well.

The pact was sealed.  Kartoosh would follow Sokar invisible to all advising and aiding him.  Kartoosh planned to aid Sokar making him mighty and growing mighty in turn.  Then he woulld withhold his aid when Sokar was dependent upon him and force him to make a new pact.  A pact that would see Sokar a slave of Kartoosh.

Sokar the sinister had another plan in mind.  One that he had managed to keep hidden from Kartoosh, one he suspected Kartoosh would not like.


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