The Omegron protocol part1


Spacehulk Shard of Tartarus-  The senior commanders gathered aboard the Shard of Tartarus for a command conference concerning the future plans and operations for the ongoing Stygian Wars.  Lord Magwar greeted each arrival and paid particular attention to three commanders he considered vital for the enactment of his plan, the Omegron Protocol.  Warpsmith Rycor with his stolid ways and calculating mind was to be the foundation on which he built.  Maliker the malign, a twisted sorcerer of ruthless and sublime cunning was another.  Finally there was Daroth the deceiver, a dark apostle whose twisted devotion and naked ambition would be turned to Lord Magwar’s purpose with the delicious irony that Daroth would believe that he was serving himself.  With all assembled Lord Magwar addressed them.

    “My brothers,” Lord Magwar began.  “You are no doubt wondering about our current operational pause.  After all we defeated Battlegroup Forthax at Kelmer’s Folly and the sector and surrounding sectors are suffering from the murder curse that has corrupted Fleet Quartus into a nightmare for the imperium.  They are weak and easy victories might be gained.” There were grunts of agreement at that.
“ I ask , to what strategic gain?” lord Magwar continued.  “ We can not make and hold enough gains to make a strategic difference at this time.  We must instead plot and plan much bigger than taking half a dozen worlds.  Think not of systems but think of entire sectors and sub sectors.”
  He could see doubt there.  They all knew they lacked the current strength to undertake such an operation.
     “I propose to undertake a harrowing.  Not of a single world to spread fear and terror.  But of a sector wide harrowing that will see neighboring sectors terrified and laid ripe for conquest.  Conquests that can have strategic objectives of the long war at their core alongside the elevation of our legion!”
    There were protests.  These he had expected.  Indeed most of them were valid as things currently stood.  With a wave Lord Magwar silenced them.
“You are correct,” he began. “ We currently lack the means to conduct such an operation.  But with my plan, The Omegron Protocols. We will have the means within 15 years.  We will be dividing our forces.  A number of minor dark crusades will be undertaken to prepare us for this historic harrowing that we will undertake. I shall command one group, the other three heads of the Hydra shall be Warpsmith Rycor, Maliker the malign, and Daroth the deceiver.”


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