The Omegron Protocol part 2


“Warpsmith Rycor,” Lord Magwar began, “In consultation with the Stygian Emperor you are hereby named Lord Marshal Militant of the Stygian Empire.  You will remain in the Stygian empire with the largest part of our forces.  You are to raise, train and equip such a force that we might conduct a sector wide harrowing. I want the Stygian guard increased by at least 20 million.  In total over the next 15 years in addition to protecting the Stygian Empire and supporting the black crusades, I want an additional force nearly 80 million strong for the harrowing.”  Shocked silence met this statement.  Finally Rycor spoke.

     “My Lord,” Rycor said in a mechanical harsh voice. “ The Stygian empire has not the resources to create the force you describe.  Furthermore the Imperium will learn of our buildup and deduce that we mean to attack.

     “ I understand you lack the means.  That will be solved by the three black crusades launched.  As for the imperium detecting the buildup and preparing for it, let them.  The Fleet Quartus murder curse will see them too weak to challenge the buildup.  Let them detect it.  Let them perceive we mean to engage 5 worlds or so in a new powerful offensive.  Let their prejudice and arrogance blind them to the true size, scope, and means of what is to come.  Let their bias blind them and serve us.  They may know but can never conceive the size and scope of the attack,”Lord Magwar said.

     “As you command, so will I see it done, for the Legion.” Rycor said in a dour tone.

     “ I have every confidence that you will succeed.  If all of our forces do their part you will have the resources you need.  In addition I have a number of special projects I want you to undertake in conjunction with Maliker and Darkoth.  In particular the daughters of the pantheon project. I want you to create for us new weapons and wonders as only your mind can conceive.  You will turn them over to Maliker for field testing against Imperial worlds and outposts.”

     “But my Lord the pause in operations,” Rycor asked confused.  “ I thought with the buildup we would be standing on the defensive.”

     “We will be slowing the tempo of our operations.” Lord Magwar said. “In most areas we will stand on the defensive.  However we need at least one offensive warzone active at all times.  Both to keep pressure on the imperials and to cycle units through and blood them.  You are going to need veterans as cadre for the forces you must raise.”

     “Understood Lord,” Rycor said.


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