Khyber crusade initial crusade force


All requisition points were spent on supply points giving the crusade a starting strength of 2k.  That gave a 2k deceptors detachment list that makes up the backbone of the crusade.

95 pts Lord Magwar chaos terminator lord

185 pts 5 terminators- “Serpent Fangs”

180 pts 10 csm- squad Alpha one

180 pts 10csm- squad Alpha two

100 pts 20 cultists- the forsworn

100 pts 20 cultists- harkoni hunters

65 pts dark commune- the Harkoni cabal

45 pts cultist firebrand- Konar the crazed

80 pt master of executions- Silonas the headhunter

60 pt chaos sorcerer- Dravos the deceiver 

135pt havocs- Hydra Havocs

185 chaos vindicator- “Dread Devestator”

185 chaos vindicator- “Dread Despoiler”

130pt helbrute- “Markoth the Malignant”

170pts 2 obliterators- “Dark Devastators”

70 pts traitor guard squad- Col. Blackheart’s Stygian Guard.


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