The Omegron protocol/ Maliker crusade


Lord Magwar then turned to Maliker the Malign who stood impassive in his terminator armor.

     “Maliker, you are to based here in the Stygian Empire. Your mission is multi fold.  You are to scout and prepare infiltration routes through the sector so our fleets and forces can strike deep into the sector when the harrowing begins.  You are also to begin seeding the sector with agents, insurgents and assassins.  The later to strike the day the harrowing begins.  I want you to produce for me a night of a hundred rebellions,”Lord Magwar said with relish.

    “It will be done,” Maliker said in a tone of satisfaction.  This was a task that suited him perfectly.

     “The agents you place I’ll provide us with intelligence and provide hidden forward caches of material to ensure we can operate without any noticeable operational pause for the first six months of our offensive,” Lord Magwar said and then continued, “With the agents, insurgents, infiltration routes, and forward depots we will be able to surprise and sweep the sector come the harrowing.  In addition to this I need you to conduct small raids on Imperial outposts.  I need you to do this to keep the Imperials off balance and unable to concentrate on Rycor and the Stygian empire.  I do not wish them to interfere with Rycor’s preparations.  These raids are also to be used to test the weapons and programs that Rycor devises for the harrowing.  Test and evaluate them against the Imperium but have a care not to tip our hand too much to any new capabilities we develop.”

     “Yes my Lord,” Maliker said.  “The imperials can not be warned if there are no survivors of the raid.”

     “The dead can warn no one.” Lord Magwar agreed.  “I also want you to assist Rycor and Darkoth in the Daughters of the pantheon project.”

     “Yes lord, it shall be done. I will use the spoils of the raids for both the hidden forward depots and to assist Rycor in his task,” Maliker said as Lord Magwar nodded in satisfaction.  It pleased him that they would cooperate initially.  He did wonder if that cooperation would continue at such a level as operations got underway.


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