The Omegron protocol/ Khyber Crusade


“Now I will tell you of the Khyber crusade,” Lord Magwar said looking at his assembled commanders.  “I will be taking the Shard of Tartarus six escorts and a handful of transports with me on this expedition.  Our goal will be to establish a hidden infiltration network from the great rift to the Stygian empire that will be code named the Khyber path.  We will create noctolith crowns to act as beacons to guide those on the path and we will establish hidden depots to aid the influx of recruits and reinforcements from Imperium Nihilus.  We will also be actively recruiting along the way.  It is believed these will give Rycor the numbers he needs to prepare the harrowing.”

     “Indeed it should Lord.  However taking the Shard of Tartarus for this seems a bit of overkill for this mission,” Rycor said and a number of heads nodded in agreement.

     “If that was all this crusade entailed you would be correct Rycor.  However there is a vital secondary goal and tertiary assignments that must be considered,” Lord Magwar said in a calm voice.  “We will likely be recruiting corsairs, renegades, and warband from other legions to this endeavor.  We need to be able to demonstrate our strength, perhaps overawe them.  The Shard of Tartarus space hulk mobile and under our command should do this.  Furthermore it will allow us to make powerful disruptive strikes against any that might threaten to disrupt the Khyber Path.  And finally but far from least is the secondary use we will be putting the Khyber Path’s noctolith crown network.  When we launch the harrowing we will flood the noctolith crown network with warp energy.  This will create a pulse eruption from the rift.  This pulse will be seen in the sky on every world for a dozen sectors.  This will be the signal for our agents and insurgents to attack.  A hundred worlds rising all at once.  Every step of the harrowing unleashed at a mass signal.  The pulse will also ease the passage of our battle groups while disrupting the Imperial navy right off the bat.  Further it will aid in the summoning and unleashing of our infernal allies,” Lord Magwar finished.

     The gathered commanders nodded their approval.   They could do this and then unleash a harrowing the likes of which had not been seen since the start of the long war.  They cheered their assent and the Omegron protocols were enacted and the dark crusades prepared to launch.


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