Raid on the Khyber moon part3


Khyber Crusade-Khyber moon- eldar fire dragons disembarked from a falcon unleashing torrents of fire into the forsworn before charging in alongside the farseer.  Brutal fighting saw both sides diminished.

Meanwhile on the Alpha Legion left flank the eldar snipers wounded Silonas the headhunter and the remains eldar poured fire on squad Alpha two wounding a few of the Alpha legionaries before storm guardians charged in only for all but one of their number to be cut down.

In a flash of warp energy the obliterators qrf team teleported in on the right flank only to be instantly pinned by heavy bright lance fire.

The remains eldar on the right flank poured fire into squad Alpha 1 before the vyper charged in.  The eldar machine ran one marine down as it emerged from the venting volcanic glass but Alpha legion accursed weaponry damaged it.


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