Raid on Nivinah Primus part2


Khyber crusade-Nivinah Primus- on the Alpha Legion left flank Dravos the deceiver and squad Alpha One opened up a storage depot in the ruins for blackstone before springing the ambush on the advancing Crimson Fists force cutting down a number of them.

Col. Blackheart and his Stygian guard raced through the Crimson Fist return fire to reach and open a blackstone storage cache.

The Crimson Fists assaulted Dravos the deceiver and squad Alpha one but are quickly cut down.  Meanwhile Lord Magwar and his terminator bodyguard teleport in pouring fire on the Crimson Fists.

In the center a Crimson Fist dreadnaught launches a counterattack into Silonas the head hunter and squad Alpha2.  A flurry of blows sees a few marines wounded and the dreadnaught damaged.

Silonas the head hunter and Alpha2 pulled back and the vindicator Dread despoiler and the Harkoni hunters then engaged and destroyed the Crimson Fist dreadnaught.  That done they linked up with Silonas the headhunter and squad Alpha2 to roll up flank of the Crimson Fist battle line.

Lord Magwar and his terminators with Dravos the deceiver and squad Alpha1 surrounded a Crimson fist tactical squad.  They charged the encircled marines and in seconds butchered the marines.  Lord Magwar then began leading an advance along the imperial line.  Captain Rico and the Crimson fists saw their battle line falling and withdrew further into the hive conceding the battlefield to Lord Magwar and the Khyber crusade.  Lord Magwar was pleased with the victory, large amounts of blackstone in the vaults had been seized.


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