Vashin subhive incident part 2

Kalgarth cholera captain of the death guard saw the imperial forces massing for an offensive.  He knew they sought to deny him his resupply and boon from the gods.  He quickly ordered a preemptive armored strike.  His rhino's raced forward spraying the imperial front line with bolter fire.

Kalgarth then ordered his land raider into the right flank.  He laughed as the imperial  prepatory barrage flew overhead to strike far behind death guard forces.  His land raider fired its lascannons into an armored sentinel blowing it apart and spraying imperial infantry with shrapnel.

On the left side of the battlefield a helbrute advanced firing plasma as it advanced. A sudden whine erupted from the cannon and it erupted into flames as it overheated.
Special thanks to Jake Holte for helping with this battle report.


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