Khyber Crusade update 2


After the second Nivinah battle the Khyber crusade has 9 blackstone fragments.  With the additional chaos glory points earned the crusade now stands as follows.

Personal Glory 6

Dark God Glory 5

War Fleet Glory 7

Furthermore the crusade gained 2 requisition pts. The crusade spent 5 blackstone fragments in narrative to create a clandestine mini noctolith crown to help create the covert Khyber Path on a volcanic moon orbiting a gas giant.

The following units also leveled up.

The Serpent Fangs terminator squad gained the terror assault battle honor from Paraih Nexus crusade book forcing 1 enemy unit in engagement range to take a battle shock test.  A great narrative addition to this shock assault unit.

Col. Blackhearts Stygian Guard received the favored servants battle trait from the chaos space marine codex.  This improves the weapon and ballistic skill by 1.
The crusade spent 1 requisition point to increase supply by 200pts. Then it used its warfleet glory favored boon to do so again.  Giving an additional 400pts to add to the crusade roster.

Fiddleback the venomcrawler was added for 120pts

The Doom Dragoons a 6 strong chaos biker unit with 2 melts guns and champion with power fist was added for 140 pts

Squad Hydra 3 of 5csm 1 heavy bolter and champion with accursed weapon and plasma pistol was added for 90 pts

Sharev’s Sabatours a 10 man cultist squad was added for 50 pts.

The crusade now stands with 4 blackstone fragments, 1 requisition point, and 35 pts unused in supply. 


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