The Daemonic incursion on Litovsk part 1


In order to cover up a covert mission on Litovsk, the Alpha Legion unleashed a daemonic incursion to drown the world in death and destruction.  The incursion was led by the twin souled daemon prince formerly of the Alpha legion destrosinistra who know manifested in the daemon prince Destro of Khorne and Sinistra of Tzeetch.  They arrived with a daemonic horde to drown the world.

Meanwhile alerted to the threat the grey knights made full planetfall.  The center of their line anchored by ancient Davici the dreadnaught.

The khornate Bloodletters swarmed a band of grey knight terminators.  Daemon blade met holy weapons and arcs of fire and lightning flashed until only on terminator remained facing the daemonic threat.

Meanwhile Ancient Davici faced off against Destro absorbing the rage and punishment to then banish the mighty daemon prince back into the churning warp.


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