upgrading plasma regulators-editorial

Disclaimer- I enjoy building and painting terrain.  The thermic plasma regulator kit is another very nice kit by GW that adds depth and character to the battlefields we game on.  However terrain should tell a story and having the exact same kit as everyone else can make even this nice kit seem sort of blah.  That's why I have spruced my kit up a bit giving it more character and helping it stand out a bit while at the same time fulfilling a role in the game narratively.  simply adding a ladder for easy access to the step and fencing it in with a fence helps.  But adding a control console and now this regulator can also serve as an objective as from that console you can download vital information, overload a whole plasma duct network and make it go nuclear, whatever you desire.  Furthermore it now looks distinct and makes for a more memorable experience.


  1. Looks cool, I like the consol idea, but why the extra ladder? there is already one on the side of the regulator


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