Raid on outpost c-1775-43

++Skitarii Alpha log update facility intel downloaded.  Target is Dark Mechanicus facility...Proceeding on mission.
++Heavy resistance encountered...uploading targeting protocols...attempting to breach western end of the complex...uploading tactical display and read outs....

++Western complex breached...Corrupt datasmith sighted...terminating per Valsuth doctrine...Chemical Vats in sight....uploading chemical sample for analysis....preparing to breach further into the facility...

++ Breaching doors...Encountering heavy fire....enemy employing unknown battlesuit design..Heretical design warranting termination....three casualties thus far....chance of successfully negating enemy heretech armor and further penetrating facility calculated at 13%.....receiving new upload...begin withdrawal protocols....

+++Enemy robotic units cutting off withdrawal route...seeking new route input....unit fire on heretech units ineffective for termination..request new targeting protocols...Enemy units within melee range...Chances for survival 2%...upload all data on facility and dump onto data net...commend us to the omnissiah....


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